If you have suffered an amputation, you are likely going through a great deal of stress and hardship. Amputation injuries are among the hardest to recover from. They can change a person’s entire life. These are some of the ways your life may be altered.
First, your home or car may need to be modified to accommodate your new amputation. Depending on your home or car, there may need to be extensive modifications to accommodate you. Your car may need to be able to lower and your walls in your home may need handles.
Second, you may need a prosthetic limb in order to get by in life. Prosthetic limbs may be very expensive. Worse, the prosthetic may need to be replaced over time. Some insurance companies do not pay for these, so this is something you will need to request in your settlement.
Third, you are likely going to need ongoing therapy. You will need physical or occupational therapy that will help you stay strong and stretch. You may also need pain management therapy, which may include skin stimulation and skin desensitization. You may also need therapy to help you with movement to help you move with a walker or wheelchair.
There may also be training to help you use a prosthetic limb as you will need to learn how to use the limb and it may not be possible without a professional who can walk you through this. Finally, you may also need to learn how to drive a car using hand-controls if you cannot resume operating your car like you once did.
There are any number of reasons that it may be necessary and appropriate to remove a limb or part of the body via amputation. The reason may be a car accident or a work injury that led to a limb being crushed. Other times the amputation may be because of a condition that threatens someone’s life, such as hip or knee implant that is not working correctly. Alternatively, there could be a situation where an elderly person has been neglected at their nursing home and the only way to save the person’s life is by amputation.
Sometimes it is necessary to amputate a limb for the greater good of the body. There may be instances when this is frankly the only choice for someone to survive. If you are the victim of frostbite, cancer, an infection, or even a car accident, then it may be that amputating the limb is the only option that is available to you to keep you alive. In many cases, the victim of nursing home abuse or nursing home neglect may need to have a limb amputated in order to stay alive. Amputation may seem like a nightmare to live through, but it can also be the only option available in many cases to keep someone alive.
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If you have suffered an amputation, chances are it occurred in one of the following ways:
- Car accident
- Truck accident
- Motorcycle accident
- Bicycle accident
- Construction accident
- On the job injury
- Worksite accident
- Machine accidents
Amputations are life-altering injuries that can force a person to live their life in ways that are completely foreign to them. After an amputation injury, the victim may have to go undergo extensive therapy, get retrofitted for a prosthetic, and learn how to live with their new prosthetic.
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