Community Involvement

 At The Jackman Law Firm, we are heavily involved and invested in our local community.  Every year we donate money to charities and organizations that benefit our community.  The charity that is nearest to the firm’s heart is Children’s Home Society of Washington, which places foster children in homes with permanent families.  As a firm, we donate a percentage of every legal fee from cases we settle to this charity.

In addition, our team has driven for Meals on Wheels, which delivers meals to the sick and elderly.  We have also volunteered with Reading Partners of Seattle, where we tutored children who were struggling to read and write at grade-level, and Big Brothers, Big Sisters, where we mentored at-risk youths.

childrens home society
Big sister big brother photoroom


 Every year we offer a $5,000 scholarship to a student who has overcome a significant adversity in their life, and we plan to increase this amount each year.  This scholarship is called the Keeping Faith scholarship.  If you or someone you know is a high school or college student who has overcome an obstacle and could use $5,000 for college, please share this page with them.


Giving Back to Children in Our Community

We also partner with La Gran D, a Seattle radio station, by sponsoring several events.  The most recent sponsorship the firm had with La Gran D involved giving away 50 backpacks to students in south Seattle and Tacoma.  We sponsor this event every year and every year it grows in size.  This Christmas we also plan on working with the staff at La Gran D to give away 50 toys to children.