Commercial vehicles are the backbone of the local economy, and it is rare that a company that does not use a large truck in some capacity to remain in business. The large size of these vehicles provides an essential business advantage. Efficient engines and large trailers allow trucks to move goods at a fraction of the cost of other modes of transportation. Unfortunately, this size creates a hazard in the form o-f blind spots. These areas with reduced visibility are one of the leading causes of commercial vehicle collisions.
If you have suffered an injury after being caught in a truck’s blind spot, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. A skilled big rig accident attorney could help you hold negligent truck drivers responsible for their actions. Blind spot truck accidents in Tacoma can be challenging cases to handle, so it is crucial to work with seasoned legal representation.
The Locations of Blind Spots on Trucks
Trucks share many characteristics with smaller commuter vehicles, such as the presence of blind spots immediately to the side and rear of the driver’s and passenger’s seats. Some modern commuter cars use cameras in an attempt to minimize these spots. However, few trucks take advantage of this technology, which makes blind spot collisions a substantial hazard.
Additionally, commercial vehicles have blind spots that are not present on smaller cars. For example, the height of many commercial trucks creates a blind spot immediately in front of the cab. Drivers who suffer rear-end collisions may be surprised to learn that a trucker did not see their car despite it being directly in front of them.
Another blind spot is directly behind a trailer. Especially in the case of tractor-trailers, a driver cannot see what is immediately behind them, often for many car lengths. An accident that occurs because of a collision in a truck’s blind spot is often the fault of the trucker. However, it is still necessary to prove truck driver negligence to prevail after a blind spot accident in Tacoma.
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Negligence and Blind Spot Truck Collisions
To collect compensation in a blind spot truck case, an injured plaintiff needs to transparently prove that the trucker’s actions caused the accident in question. The most common way to accomplish this is to prove that the trucker was negligent in operating their vehicle.
All truckers have an obligation to drive in a way that does not place other people at an unreasonable risk of harm. Having a knowledge of their vehicle’s blind spots and how these blind spots may create danger for others is a key part of this duty. A trucker who follows too closely or does not properly check their blind spots before changing lanes might need to pay compensation to an injured plaintiff.
Proving the Cause of a Blind Spot Crash
A blind spot truck accident lawyer in Tacoma could help to investigate the causes of the crash and determine if a trucker’s negligence contributed to the incident. For example, a skilled legal representative might take video of the scene, gather police reports, and talk to third-party witnesses who may have seen the accident take place. Ultimately, an attorney could help to prove that a trucker’s negligence caused the losses in question and demand fair compensation needed to make things right.
Tacoma Blind Spot Truck AccidentLawyer Near Me 206-558-5555
Discuss Blind Spot Truck Accidents in Tacoma with Our Attorneys
While the drivers of commercial trucks have every right to be on the road, they must be aware of the risks involved with driving such large vehicles. One of these risks includes the prominent blind spots created by their vehicles or their cargo. Commercial vehicle wrecks involving blind spots can be serious, as they happen in an instant and lead to catastrophic injuries.
If you need help handling blind spot truck accidents in Tacoma, our skilled legal team can offer guidance and assist with pursuing the compensation you deserve. When you file your case correctly, you can likely collect damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and mental anguish. Contact an attorney today to get started on your case.
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